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How do I reset my password?

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Here are the steps to reset your Training Source account password:

  1. Go to the Forgotten Password page.
  2. Enter your account username into the first field marked "Reset your Password - enter your Username."
  3. Click "Search."
  4. An email with the subject line "Training Source: Password reset request" will be sent to the email address associated with your account. Make sure this email is not in your spam or junk folder.
  5. Click on the link provided in the email to confirm the password reset request. The link is valid within 30 minutes from the time the reset was requested. If the link no longer works, repeat steps 1-4.
  6. Type in your desired new password in the two fields provided. 
  7. Click the "Save Changes" button and the password reset process will be complete. You will be logged into your account automatically.


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