Competitive Proposal Evaluation Process Class-2013

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Course Description and Learning Objectives:
•​This training provides an overview of Department practices for conducting 
evaluation on submitted proposals.
•​Training includes:
*Examination of the RFP template phases of the review process
* Selection of reviewers
* Reviewer service agreement
* Reviewer access to SharePoint Application Center for conducting reviews
* Scoring tools
* Evaluation summary
* Employee expectations and timelines
Section Information: (All training dates scheduled) Lucas State Office Building, 
Rooms 517-518
Speaker/ Instructors:  Stacey Hewitt, John McMullen, Finance Bureau
Additional Comments:  This is a face-to-face training in Des Moines, Iowa, not 
an online course.

Event/Class Times: 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013 - 9:30am to 11:30am

Class Id: 

10 221

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