Links Notice

Please note that some of the courses contain links to government websites, which are currently being modified to comply with federal executive orders. You may be redirected to a different page on the government website or experience broken links.

Gaining Ground

Gaining Ground is a national initiative designed to enhance performance and quality improvement of governmental health departments and advance national accreditation by the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB).

With support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), the National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI) issued grants and is providing support to coalitions within Iowa and six other states to develop a sustainable infrastructure to support accreditation readiness, performance, and quality improvement.

Iowa's Coalition includes:

For more information about Gaining Ground activities in Iowa please contact Joy Harris at (515) 281-3377 .

Gaining Ground Together: Making Iowa PHABulous - Training Track 101- Resources

Recordings of 101 training

  1. Introduction and History
  2. You may be closer than you think!
  3. Resource Sharing

Gaining Ground: 12 Domain Webinars

The Gaining Ground Coalition is in the process of developing short webinars, aimed at local health departments that describe the PHAB domains. To view these webinars please visit

White Paper: Accreditation in Iowa

In collaboration with the Public Health Advisory Council a white paper describing the case for accreditation in Iowa is available here.

Open Learning

Our Full, Open Training Catalog is available to anyone in our Open Learning Management System Portal