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Agricultural Health

Category View: Displaying 1 - 10 of 13

Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Agricultural Workers

Collage of various 3-D images showing the wrist, shoulder, knee, hip, back and ankle joints with red areas to show pain/inflammation.


The goal of this course is to provide a basic understanding of common musculoskeletal disorders that affect agricultural workers

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this course is rural health professionals.


The length for this course is approximately 60 minutes depending on the individual user. Upon completion of the course, you will get a certificate of completion from the Great Plains Center of Agricultural Health at the...

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Off-Road Vehicle Hazards

Black and white photo showing the lower part of an ATV parked in front of a fence, with the course title overlaid.


The goal of Off-Road Vehicle Hazards is to provide an overview of off-road vehicle used in agriculture and understand how to minimize and prevent injuries.

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this course is rural health professionals.


The length for this course is approximately 60 minutes depending on the individual user. Upon completion of the course, you will get a certificate of completion from the Great Plains Center of...

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Illness and Injury Prevention Among Animal Caretakers

A group of typical animals found on the farm, with the course title superimposed.



The goal of Illness & Injury Prevention Among Animal Caretakers is provide a basic understanding of the hazards for individuals that handle or treat livestock on a regular basis. Animal caretakers engage in demanding tasks moving livestock and equipment and may be inadvertently kicked, bitten, or exposed to biological hazards.

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this course is rural health...

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Transportation Hazards in Agriculture

A tractor and two ATVs driving away down a rural dirt road with mountains in the background, and the course title superimposed


The goal of Transportation Hazards in Agriculture is to provide an overview of transportation hazards in agriculture and understand how to minimize and prevent injuries.

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this course is rural health professionals.


The length for this course is approximately 60 minutes depending on the individual user. Upon completion of the course, you will get a certificate of completion from the Great...

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Protegiendo a los Jóvenes Trabajadores en la Agricultura: un entrenamiento para supervisores, padres, y maestros

Mujer de pie en un campo con una computadora portátil, mirando un tractor trabajando en un campo

El objetivo de este curso es ofrecerle estrategias a las personas que contratan, enseñan o supervisan a jóvenes trabajadores agrícolas, para protoger a los trabajadroes. Los temas incluyen por qué los trabajadores jóvenes corren el riesgo de sufrir lesiones en la granja, los métodos de supervisión, enseñanza y comunicación.

Público Objetivo

La audiencia designada para este curso es cualquier persona que contrate, enseñe o supervise a jóvenes trabajadores agrícolas. Esto...

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Protecting Young Workers in Agriculture: A Training for Supervisors, Parents, and Teachers

woman standing in a field with a laptop, watching a tractor working a field

Este curso está disponible en español.  Se puede revisar información sobre el curso en español ademas que instrucciones para hispanohablantes

The goal of this course is to provide people who hire, teach, or supervise young agricultural workers strategies to protect their...

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Hazards Associated with Livestock Handling

A group of cows looking into the camera with the course title in the sky overhead

The goal of Hazards Associated with Livestock Handling is to cover information relating to animal handling that place individuals at risk for injury or illness.

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this course is rural health professionals.


The length for this course is approximately 60 minutes depending on the individual user. Upon completion of the course, you will get a certificate of completion from the Great Plains Center of Agricultural...

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Biological Risk Management

Man standing in front of, and looking at, a white wall with drawings of animals and warning signs with the course title in the middle.

The goal of Biological Risk Management (BRM) is to introduce the concept of BRM, disease transmission, and how to minimize the risk of disease.

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this course is rural health professionals.


The length for this course is approximately 60 minutes depending on the individual user. Upon completion of the course, you will get a certificate of completion from the Great Plains Center of Agricultural Health at the...

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PPE for Agricultural Health

Image of man in a forest wearing personal protective equipment, overlaid with the course title

The goal of this course is for rural health and safety professionals to be able to recognize the responsibilities of employers and employees when using PPE in the workplace and apply methods for the proper selection of PPE.

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this course is rural health professionals.


The length for this course is approximately 2 hours depending on the individual user. Upon completion of the...

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Overview: Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing

course title

The goal of agricultural safety and health is to prevent injury and illness that arise from work in the agricultural sector. 

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this course is rural health professionals.


The length for this course is approximately 60 minutes depending on the individual user. Upon completion of the course, you will get a certificate of completion from the Great Plains Center of Agricultural Health at the University Of Iowa...

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