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Protecting Young Workers in Agriculture: A Training for Supervisors, Parents, and Teachers

Category: Agricultural Health, Occupational Safety and Health, Rural Health

Este curso está disponible en español.  Se puede revisar información sobre el curso en español ademas que instrucciones para hispanohablantes

The goal of this course is to provide people who hire, teach, or supervise young agricultural workers strategies to protect their workers. Topics include why young workers are at risk for injuries on the farm, supervision, teaching, and communication methods.

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this course is anyone who hires, teaches, or supervises young agricultural workers. This may include but is not limited to farm employers, supervisors, parents, agricultural extension agents, and FFA teachers or leaders.


The length for this course is approximately 45 minutes depending on the individual user. Upon completion of the course, you will get a certificate of completion from the Healthier Workforce Center of the Midwest at the University of Iowa College of Public Health.

Prerequisite Requirement


Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals

Domain 3: Communication Skills

  • 3A2. Communicates in writing and orally with linguistic and cultural proficiency (e.g., using age-appropriate materials, incorporating images)
  • 3A6. Communicates information to influence behavior and improve health (e.g., uses social marketing methods, considers behavioral theories such as the Health Belief Model or Stages of Change Model)
  • 3A7. Facilitates communication among individuals, group, and organizations
  • 4A2. Describes the diversity of individuals and populations in a community

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe why young workers are at greater risk for injury and illness.
  • Recognize hazards in the workplace, including those that are unique to young and new workers.
  • Apply effective prevention strategies including communication methods, teaching methods, and workplace policies.

Before you begin, please take the pretest. The pretest score will not be counted toward your final score.


The content for this course is strategies supervisors can use to protect young workers in agricultural settings.

The course includes learning module with interactivity and scenario application activities, a list of resources, and a posttest at the end of this course. A Certificate of Completion is awarded on successful completion of this course. In order to successfully complete this course, you MUST score 70% or higher on the posttest. If you do not receive 70% on the posttest, you may review the material and re-take it.


This project is supported by the National Children’s Center for Rural Agricultural Health and Safety (NIOSH: U54 OH007548-11). We would like to thank the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety for providing support in the making of the videos.

Course contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NIOSH.


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